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Seamless Compliance with CheckHero

Managing the annual assessment and compliance with the Building Code, Building Regulations, and relevant Australian Standards, which includes mandatory AESMR documentation and certification, can prove complex and time-consuming for building owners and managers. This is where CheckHero steps in to make a difference by managing all the essential legislative requirements for you.
At the CheckHero, we are dedicated to guaranteeing a smooth, end-to-end process trough our proprietary technology and responsive support, all aimed at providing you with peace of mind. Our team is readily available to offer essential rectification services, ensuring 100% compliance in the event of any issues.
At CheckHero, we are dedicated to guaranteeing a smooth, end-to-end process through our proprietary technology and responsive support, all aimed at providing you with peace of mind. Our team is readily available to offer essential rectification services, ensuring 100% compliance in the event of any issues.

Our Technology

We have created a bespoke portal for you to track the compliance status of your property
portfolio. You can seamlessly create bookings, report issues, and view all your certification.

Bespoke Portal

Create a booking, contact our team, or check the status of any jobs - all in one single platform

Seamless Property Tracking

Track detailed compliance records & information of your commercial office & building seamlessly

Pain-Free Invoicing

We’ll invoice you after your inspection and store your invoices digitally in-line with regulatory requirements.

Our Product

REA Portal: Powerful compliance technology

You can use our software to seamlessly manage every part of your and your landlords’ compliance needs.

Compliance Reminders

Quickly view which properties need an inspection and send reminders to landlords. You can modify the reminder message and set periodic follow ups.

Quick Bookings

Creating an inspection or getting a landlord to approve a booking takes under a minute.

Tenant Management

No keys, ever. We’ll coordinate with your landlord’s tenants directly to organise a suitable time to conduct the checks.

Full Compliance History

Legislation prescribes certain record keeping standards, including the trades person’s name, date of inspection etc. We save all your landlords inspection history (including any previous inspection documentation) in the one place.

Easy to Share

Provide your landlords a link to quickly view the compliance status of any one or more of their properties.

Pain-Free Invoicing

We’ll send you an invoice following each inspection - all fully accessible at any time via the Portal.

Automatic Repairs Quotes

We know finding quotes for your landlords can be a pain. We’ll list any repairs job to our tradesperson marketplace and send you multiple competitive quotes. There is no obligation for you or your landlord to use one of our quotes.

Bespoke Portal

Create a booking, contact our teamor check the status of any job in theone place.

Seamless Property Tracking

Track all your commercial officecompliance in the one place.

Pain-Free Invoicing

We’ll invoice you after your inspectionand store your invoices digitally in-linewith regulatory requirements.

Get connected with us

Gas and Electrical Safety Checks Pty. Ltd.
Ground Level, 470 St. Kilda Road,
Australia, VIC 3004
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Organise your AESMR today and get $50 off!

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